Tempco has the capabilities to form, draw, and assemble the small to large sheet metal fabrications that our CNC turret presses and 9,000 & 4,000 watt光纤激光器produce. We have a large焊接部,所有金属制造和装配需要。我们还可以满足您的金属制造项目的美容需求,通过我们技术人员和直线砂光机进行的整理技术。
Contact usfor more information regarding our custom sheet metal forming processes, or call us at 651-452-1441 with any questions that you may have.
The Metal Fabrication Process
- Blanking-以下工艺用于高精度定制钣金制造消隐:激光切割,炮塔,和水射流切割。
- Bending & Forming-This type of custom sheet metal work utilizes machines such as press brakes, folding machines and stamping units to form and bend a sheet of metal.
- Assembly-某些钣金制造项目需要组装通过诸如焊接,铆接,硬件插入和粘合剂应用。
- Finishing-后metal is formed through any of the above processes, a surface finish of powder coating, plating, or anodizing is applied to the material.
Tempco’s recently added Amada EMK M2 Series turret press provides advanced quality custom sheet metal work with the highest real-world hit rates and ram positioning accuracy of any turret press on the market. This炮塔出版社can also process 5’ x 10’ metal sheets without repositioning, which saves time and creates more accurate parts and greater manufacturing efficiency. Additionally, the Amada turret’s automated material tower allows for 24/7 production processes, which provides even quicker turnaround times.
Water Jet Cutting Process
Tempco的Omax Maxiem 1530水射流切割机utilizes a constant supply of high-pressure water that is mixed with granular abrasives to cut and manipulate different types of sheet metal material. The water jet cutting machine’s nozzle directly provides the correct amount of focused pressure and water/abrasive fluid and can be adjusted for custom cuts and designs. The machine’s CNC-operated design allows for multi-axis cutting heads, which can produce ultra-complex part shapes and angled cuts.
光纤激光切割器通过通过光纤电缆引导的放大光操作。然后,机器的内透镜直升并传递超聚焦光束,提供极其准确的切割。Tempco的Amada LCG3015&FOL3015AJ光纤激光切割系统利用高功率,9000瓦4000瓦激光,可产生卓越的边缘质量,并消除废料和不准确切割的部件,降低材料成本。Tempco的光纤激光切割系统还可以提供24/7“熄灯”生产能力,这相当于转变时间更快。
Tempco takes pride in providing top quality二次操作协助完成我们所有的制造服务。为了给您提供更多的完整部分,可以在交货时使用(或尽可能接近它),我们可以提供:
- 加工
- 粉末涂料
- Plating
- Anodizing
- Pad printing
- Silk screening
- 紧固件插入
- Rounding of edges
- Tumbling and finishing
- Countersinking
- 铆
- 和更多
In-House Tool & Die Shop
为确保金属制造模具和工具的质量和精度,我们经营专用,in-house tool and die shop。我们在铸件,锻件,两件式组件和螺旋机器件中擅长经济高效的工具设计和转换。我们与客户合作,为每个项目开发最有效的工具方法。我们维护和更换非永久性模具,并不断更新并升级它们以消除过时,所有人都不收取客户。工具储存也是免费的。
We produce sheet metal fabrications, parts, and assemblies for clients across manymarkets,从医疗技术到重型设备。
在Tempco,我们希望成为金属制造的一站式商店,提供完整的,交钥匙零件,组件和组件。我们提供包容性,全面的解决方案,包括钣金制造,精密金属冲压, and钣金原型和工程服务。
Tempco Manufacturing是您唯一需要定制钣金制造和钣金原型所需的资源。请求报价on your precision fabrication project, orcontact us找出我们能为你做些什么。