Tempco制造 - 您的工业金属制造专家
Tempco Manufacturing has been in the metal stamping industry for over 70 years. Located in St Paul MN, we serve a wide range of industries with our定制金属冲压and定制钣金制造功能。
Founded in 1945, Tempco is a 3rd generation, family-held company. We have over 83,000 square feet of manufacturing space at our main plant, including ourtool and die shop,还有一个单独的仓库有37000 square feet for finished goods.
Tempco has offered solutions in just about every行业ranging from Aerospace to Hardware and everything in between. Let Tempco, with our 70+ years of experience, be your low-cost, high-quality custom precision metal solutions provider.请求报价or联系我们今天!
我们的core competencies consist of:
- 提供精确的冲压和钣金制造解决方案
- 我们的in-house tool and die shop
- 我们的ability to provide complete assemblies, inventory management (JIT, kanbans, pull programs), and logistics.
- 我们已建立的良好供应商合作伙伴关系网络,包括(粉末涂料,电镀,阳极氧化,加工和其他二级操作)
- Tempco强烈鼓励我们的工程师与客户的工程师之间的工程合作,以提出最佳的低成本解决方案来制造客户的产品,同时仍然满足客户的需求,并不损害该产品的质量或功能。

质量保证for Your Projects
Tempco Manufacturing是定制纸型和定制金属制造商的领先制造商,对我们的质量保证和工程解决方案感到自豪。Tempco的质量管理系统已获得认证AS9100D 2016标准,,,,ISO 9001:2015认证andISO 13485:2016认证。我们也持有联邦枪支许可证(18 U.S.C. Chapter 14) ideal for manufacturing parts and components for firearms.
Sheet metal fabrication involves manufacturing components by way of manipulating sheet metal. This is accomplished by first laser cutting or turret punching the material, precision metal forming, bending, and rolling of the sheet metal, and welding. Tempco produces sheet metal fabrication parts and assemblies across manymarkets,从医疗和技术到重型设备。
Tempco是您的一站式商店,用于钣金制造和交钥匙零件。我们提供包容性,全面的解决方案,不限于金属制造,金属精密冲压andengineering prototype services。
Through our manufacturing plant, we can provide a wide range of capabilities. Our core capabilities consist of, but are not limited to:
With over 70 years of experience, Tempco Manufacturing produces精密金属冲压,,,,精密钣金制造,,,,and assemblies for clients across numerous industries including but not limited to:
Contact usfor more information regarding our custom metal stamping capabilities, orrequest a quote今天进行深入的价格分析。