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行业Benefited from Tempco
With over 70 years of experience, Tempco Manufacturing produces精密金属冲压,,,,精密钣金制造,以及针对众多领域客户的集会。从我们的定制金属制造过程中受益的一些行业包括:
定制金属冲压是一个工业工艺,依赖于装有模具的设备来产生钣金形状。在Tempco Manufacting,我们可以提供与您确切的设计规范需求相匹配的金属制造工艺。我们可以提供以下服务:
Looking for a金属冲压的解决方案?Tempco制造是您的答案。我们不仅拥有满足金属冲压需求的设备,而且还具有生产满足您需求的交钥匙产品的次要功能。
我们的fiber optic laser cutteris up to four times faster than conventional laser systems. It includes a material feed tower with an automatic material load/unload feature that enables fully automated 24/7 operation. High-speed positioning (up to 13,300 ipm traverse speeds) provides unmatched productivity.
我们的custom sheet metal fabrication流程使用顶级设备和广泛的知识来制造高质量的精密零件。我们可以在内部进行激光切割,CNC炮塔打孔,形式,焊接和安装硬件。如果您需要产品上的完成或其他任何辅助服务,Tempco可以使用其众多已验证的供应商合作伙伴之一为您提供完整的产品!
Welding Capabilities
Tempco canweld all your metal components。We provide spot welding, MIG/TIG/arc welding, and robotic welding. Our expert technicians will work with you to determine the best method of welding for your product. We have many years of experience and stand behind our work.
我们的Amada turret pressprovides numerous benefits that help us create your metal forming projects with better quality and accuracy. Precision ram motion control—including separate controls for speed, stroke length, hover height, and hold time—reduces tooling wear and punching noise.
Water Jet Cutting
At Tempco, we have our own in-houseprecision tooling capabilities包括水喷气机,CNC加工,铣削和夹具孔。Tempco的工具制造商是首屈一指的,可以帮助您确定哪些工具或固定装置最能用于生产产品并节省成本,而不会损害质量或功能。我们甚至可以处理最复杂的金属冲压和/或制造工作。
Engineering & Prototype Services
Tempco Manufacturing puts a strong emphasis onvalue engineering。我们鼓励客户的工程师与内部工程团队之间的工程合作。如果我们可以节省客户成本而不影响项目的形式,拟合,功能或质量,我们将这样做。我们在这里增加价值并协助您满足您的所有需求。
To go along with our engineering, we also offer prototyping services. To meet our clients’ needs, Tempco's prototypes are produced at a fast pace through engineering input, quality craftsmanship, and the best equipment available.
Value Added Capabilities
To complement our core production of metal stamping and sheet metal fabrication, and to provide you a turnkey product, Tempco offers增值功能由但不限于毛刺和清洁,硬件安装,组装,电镀,粉末涂料,阳极氧化,加工等等。
Contact us Regarding our Advanced Metal Forming Processes
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