国际标准化组织(ISO) has created a quality management system for medical devices that are listed under ISO 13485:2016. The ISO 13485:2016 certification represents the requirements for a comprehensive quality management system for the design and manufacturing of medical devices.
ISO 13485:2016标准认证最终允许医疗设备制造商以实用的方式展示其质量管理实践,同时还可以保护消费者免受不具备ISO 13485:2016标准化资格的医疗设备。
Tempco Manufacturing的QMS IS ISO 13485:2016认证。联系我们有关医疗设备质量管理系统的更多信息,或致电651-452-1441与您联系。
ISO 13485:2016质量管理系统标准化优势
ISO 13485:2016医疗冲压和制造项目的质量管理系统旨在在正在制造的医疗设备的整个生命周期中用作指南。ISO 13485:2016有助于为生产医疗零件的第三方医疗设备公司形成已建立的供应链规范和生产方法。与ISO 13485:2016标准有关的其他一些好处包括:
- 工作环境控制以确保产品安全。
- 检查和可追溯性要求
- 表明符合监管和法律要求
- 纠正和预防性验证要求
- 适当的质量管理系统(QMS)实践生产安全有效的医疗设备
点击这里要查看Tempco的ISO 13485:2016注册证书。
谁利用ISO 13485:2016质量管理标准化?
ISO 13485:2016认证均可提供所有寻求该公司的公司,无论公司的规模或类型如何。但是,某些要求可能会有所不同,具体取决于正在生产的零件或完整的医疗设备的类型。此外,ISO 13485:2016可以由其他内部和外部方(例如认证机构)使用,以帮助他们进行认证流程或合同要求的供应链组织。
ISO 13485:2016年医疗设备
A medical device is classified as a machine, implant, instrument, apparatus, or something of a similar nature that is designed for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of disease or other medical conditions. ISO 13485:2016 certified companies provide an effective quality management system (QMS) that provides a specific set of policies, processes and procedures that help an organization meet the specific standardization requirements. ISO 13485:2016 empowers an organization to reliably provide effective and innocuous medical devices that fulfil customer and regulatory requirements. It is also supple enough to meet the individual needs of different types of organizations that produce medical devices or medical device parts.
ISO 13485:2016 for Medical Stamping & Fabrication
Tempco’sstamped metal partsand钣金制造已获得所有ISO 13485:2016标准的认证。我们所有的医疗装置邮票和制造零件符合ISO 13485:2016质量管理系统指南,该指南提供了提高的保证和可靠性。尽管ISO 13485:2016不是强制性的要求,但由于其为行业提供的质量和可靠性提高,Tempco选择根据ISO医疗设备规格进行认证。
ISO 13485认证金属制造和金属冲压质量控制标准
Tempco’s ongoing commitment to quality metal stamping and quality metal fabrication is built on continual improvements to our quality management system and our dedication to conforming to customer standards and applicable industry requirements. Our metal stamping and sheet metal quality inspection processes ensure that every piece we produce meets or exceeds customer expectations.
在Tempco Manufacturing,Inc。,我们有能力应对最严格的金属冲压和制造挑战。我们通过实现以下目标来保证遵守我们的质量制造政策和您的质量标准:
- 提升-On-Time Shipping rate to 93% or better
- Maintain-Customer Returns to below 0.55%
ISO 13485:2016高级医疗冲压和制造认证
Receiving and maintaining medical device ISO 13485:2016 certification requires a more in-depth and rigid in nature and requires advanced documentation to maintain the ISO 13485:2016 status when compared with ISO 9001:2015. ISO 13485:2016 effectively ensures the consistent design, development, production, installation, and delivery of medical devices that are safe and manufactured to set certification standards.
立即联系ISO 13845:2016认证的医疗设备捏造和冲压的Tempco
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