Contact us有关我们的金属成型流程和功能的更多信息,或者在651-452-1441致电我们,我们会很高兴为您提供具体问题。
Superior Metal Forming for Your Project
With over 70 years of experience, Tempco Manufacturing produces精密金属冲压器那精密钣金制造,以及众多部门的客户的组装。一些受益于我们的定制金属制造过程的行业包括:
定制金属冲压是一种工业过程,依赖于装有模具的设备,以产生金属板的形状。在Tempco Manufacturing,我们可以提供符合您确切设计规范需求的金属制造流程。我们可以提供以下服务:
Looking for a metal stamping solution? Tempco Manufacturing is your answer. Not only do we have the equipment for your metal stamping needs, we also have the secondary capabilities to produce turnkey products that meet your requirements.
Tempco可以焊接所有金属部件。我们提供点焊,MIG / TIG / ARC焊接和机器人焊接。我们的专家技术人员将与您合作,以确定您的产品的最佳焊接方法。我们有多年的经验并支持我们的工作。
Our Amada turret press provides numerous benefits that help us create your metal forming projects with better quality and accuracy. Precision ram motion control—including separate controls for speed, stroke length, hover height, and hold time—reduces tooling wear and punching noise.
At Tempco, we have our own in-house precision tooling capabilities including water jets, CNC machining, milling, and jig bores. Tempco’s tool builders are second to none and can help you determine what tooling or fixtures are best used to produce your product and save you costs, without compromising quality or function. We can handle even the most complex metal stamping and/or fabricating jobs.
Tempco Manufacturing puts a strong emphasis on value engineering. We encourage engineering collaboration between our client’s engineers and our in-house engineering team. If we can save the client costs without affecting the form, fit, function, or quality of the project, we will do so. We are here to add value and assist you with all your needs.
To go along with our engineering, we also offer prototyping services. To meet our clients’ needs, Tempco's prototypes are produced at a fast pace through engineering input, quality craftsmanship, and the best equipment available.
Contact us Regarding our Advanced Metal Forming Processes
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