
Sheet metal fabrication involves manufacturing components by manipulating sheet metal through various means. This is most often accomplished by first laser cutting or turret punching the material, followed by forming, bending, and/or rolling the sheet metal, along with welding and other assembly processes.
Tempco具有形成,绘制和组装小于大型钣金制造的能力,即我们的CNC炮塔和9,000±4,000瓦fiber optic laser生产。我们有一个大的welding department, for all your metal fabrication and assembly needs. We can also accommodate the cosmetic needs of your metal fabrication project, with finishing techniques performed by our skilled personnel and our straight-line sanding machines.
Before a finished custom sheet metal work can be provided to the customer, there are numerous sheet metal fabrication techniques that must take place. Sheet metal fabrication comprises several processes and tools depending on the application it serves. All these processes and tools are utilized with a common goal of converting metal sheet into a workable item. These custom sheet metal fabrication types include the following:
- 消隐–The following processes are used for high precision custom sheet metal fabrication blanking: laser cutting, turret press, and waterjet cutting.
- 弯曲和成型–这种类型的定制钣金工作利用机器,如按压制动器,折叠机和冲压单元,以形成和弯曲一张金属。
- 集会–Certain sheet metal fabrication projects requires assembly work through processes such aswelding, riveting, hardware insertion and adhesive applications.
- 精加工–通过任何上述方法形成金属后,将粉末涂布,电镀或阳极氧化的表面光洁度施加到材料上。
Custom Turret Press Capabilities
Tempco最近添加了Amada EMK M2系列塔楼压力机提供先进的质量定制钣金工作,拥有最高的现实世界击中率和市场上的任何炮塔上的RAM定位准确性。这turret press还可以处理5'x 10'金属板,无重新定位,可节省时间并产生更准确的部件和更高的制造效率。此外,AMADA Turret的自动化材料塔允许全天候生产工作流程,提供更快的周转时间。
Tempco’s OMAX Maxiem 1530water jet cutting machine利用恒定的高压水供应,该高压水与颗粒磨料混合以切割和操纵不同类型的金属板材料。水射流切割机的喷嘴直接提供正确的聚焦压力和水/磨料流体,可以调整定制切割和设计。该机器的CNC操作设计允许多轴切割头,其可以产生超复杂的部分形状和成角度的切口。
Fiber optic laser cutters operate through amplified light that is channeled through a fiber optic cable. The inner lens of the machine then straightens and delivers a hyper focused beam of light that provides extremely accurate cuts. Tempco’s Amada LCG3015 & FOL3015AJfiber laser cutting systemsutilizes a high-powered, 9000-watt & 4000-watt laser, which produces exceptional edge quality and eliminates scrap and inaccurately-cut parts, reducing material costs. Tempco’s fiber optic laser cutting system can also provide 24/7 “lights out” production capabilities, which equates to faster turnaround times.
佛二次操作r Custom Sheet Metal Fabrication
Tempco在提供顶级品质方面骄傲secondary operationsto assist in the completion of all of our manufacturing services. To give you more complete parts that are ready to use (or as close to it as possible) upon delivery, we can provide:
- Machining
- Powder coating
- 电镀
- 阳极氧化
- 垫打印
- 丝绸筛选
- Fastener insertion
- 舍入边缘
- 翻滚和整理
- 埋头簇
- Riveting
- and more
To ensure the quality and precision of our metal fabrication dies and tooling, we operate a dedicated,内部工具和模具店. We excel at cost-effective tooling design and conversion from castings, forgings, two-piece assemblies, and screw machine parts. We work with our customers to develop the most efficient tooling approach for each project. We maintain and replace non-permanent dies, and continually update and upgrade them to eliminate obsolescence, all at no charge to our customers. Tooling storage is also free.
我们为许多客户生产钣金制造,零件和组件市场, from medical technology to heavy equipment.
A True One-Stop-Shop for Sheet Metal Fabrication
At Tempco, we want to be your one-stop-shop for metal fabrication and provide complete, turnkey parts, components, and assemblies. We provide inclusive, comprehensive solutions, including sheet metal fabrication,precision metal stamping, 和sheet metal prototyping and engineering services.
Contact Tempco for All Your Metal Fabrication Project Needs
Tempco Manufacturing is the only resource you need for custom sheet metal fabrication and sheet metal prototyping.Request a quote在您的精密制造项目中,或联系我们to find out what we can do for you.
©2020 Tempco Manufacturing Company,Inc。
2475 HWY。55,圣保罗,明尼苏达州55120
Tel: 651-452-1441 Fax: 651-452-1125
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